Basement Remodeling Facebook Ads

Get Basement Finishing Customers through Paid Facebook Ads

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“Peter has been an absolute asset to our company. He has given us the edge we needed to find our customers. Anyone can make a Facebook ad and boost it. What Peter offers is expertise in finding your target audience, capturing their information and connecting you with them while they are in an emotional buying state…“

John Wisniewski

“Service Allies has been an amazing addition to our lead systems. We have dropped all other marketing services and focused solely on Peter Lewis and his team. Awesome follow up, professional to say the least. I would recommend Service Allies to ANYONE  who is serious about growing their business! Also the leads are better qualified than ever before! …”

Pete Farris

 “... I started with Service Allies last week and the leads that have been generated off our campaign are real and they answer the phone and you can actually set an appointment with them.  Closed my first customer within 1 week.  Already paid for the campaign fees.”

Tim Stark

Highly recommend to anyone out there looking for lead generation and marketing services. Peter is great to work with, provides training on lead management and is accessible.”

Ben Lewis

Schedule a Call

Interested in working with us? Schedule a short phone call to see if Service Allies is right for you.

Fast Launch

After an onboarding call, we'll set up and launch your Facebook Ad campaigns in just 7 days. After launch, new basement finish prospects typically start flowing in within just 1-3 days!

High Lead Volume

Go at your own pace. Whether you're looking for a few more estimates to run each month, or hundreds of new basement leads, you can set your own budget to get the amount of leads you need.

Build Your Brand

With thousands of homeowners in your area seeing your basement finish ads, you'll build up your reputation in the local market as basement remodeling experts.

Lead Nurturing

Use our lead management dashboard to nurture lead relationships, send automated texts and emails, and schedule sales appointments.

Timeline to Get Started

1. Onboarding

Reaching your ideal customer is important, so we begin by collaborating with you to decide what campaigns to run and where to run them. We learn about your company, make recommendations, and get all the information we need to start building your campaigns.

2. Setup

We will write your ads, decide on images to use, create your sales video, and build everything else that’s needed for your campaigns. The entire setup process normally takes about 7 days.

3. Launch

After setup has been completed, we will have a launch meeting. This meeting is to equip you and your team with what you need to book leads. We will launch your ads the same day, and leads usually start coming in within 1-3 days.

Case Studies

Our results for companies just like yours!

Schaumburg, Illinois company adds $750,000 in revenue from Service Allies leads

PA construction company gets 20 addition leads within 3 weeks of launch

PA paving company gets 457 leads in less than 9 months

About Facebook Ads Video

Service Allies owner Peter demonstrates our Facebook Ads program.

More About Facebook Ads for Basement Remodeling

Service Allies offers Facebook & Instagram ad management services to basement remodeling contractors.

Paid social media ads are an excellent way to advertise for basement projects. Since homeowners take their time to think about making a buying decision, there’s lots of time to get in front of them with an ad. And since there is low competition in this niche, cost per lead tends to be relatively low too. 

How do Facebook Ads Work?

Facebook has an estimated 193 million users in the US alone. Every demographic is on Facebook - including a lot of homeowners. 

When running ads, you can choose the area, age group, and other identifying factors for the customer persona you want to target. Facebook’s ad algorithm will then put your ads in front of these people on Facebook and Instagram. 

To get leads, Service Allies runs lead form ads. Homeowners fill out their name, email, phone number, and we often have them answer a question or two about their project. These leads then get sent to your company directly.

What will Service Allies do to make my campaigns successful?

Here’s a few things we’ll do to help make your basement campaigns successful and profitable:

#1: Looking at the Competition

We will look at what the competition in your local area is doing, and what ads they are currently running. This will give us clues to what will make your company stand out. 

#2: Ask about your Unique Selling Points

We’ll find out about what makes your company unique. It could be the fact that you’re a large, established company with incredible reviews. Or, it could be that you’re a smaller company, and able to give more personalized attention to each project. Maybe basements are your specialty?

This Pennsylvania basement contractor we worked with specialized in basement finishes, and had developed a streamlined process.

Whatever you can bring to the table that’s unique, we’ll write our ads to talk to the best customer for you. 

#3: Continuous, consistent Ad Management

Twice weekly we review all our client’s campaigns and make adjustments as needed. If leads slow down, we’ll refresh the targeting, creative, or some other part of your ads to help them perform better. And based on the sales appointments and sales you get from each campaign, we’ll know which ones are performing better - and focus the budget on them!

Integrating with Your CRM

Are you set up with a CRM system like Builder Prime, Lead Perfection, or something similar? We can help you save time by directly integrating with your CRM. Meaning, when new leads come in, they will show up in your system automatically. 

Our CRM System

Service Allies also offers our own CRM system to our clients. This system includes a sales pipeline, multiple users, lead notifications, text and email automations, and a scheduling system. You can nurture leads and improve your sales.

Why Service Allies?


OYour ideal customers are out there. In order to reach them, the messaging in your ads needs to align with how they’re thinking and what they’re looking for. We point our messaging towards homeowners who are in the market for your service and are close to a buying decision.


Service Allies specializes in serving home improvement contractors. With a solid understanding of this industry, and how homeowners think, we’re able to write ads that effectively generate hundreds of high quality leads.


You’ll never have to be in the dark about what we’re doing for your company. We include a monthly report with a Google document where all our activity on your ad campaigns is reported. 

Market Exclusivity

We only work with one contractor per local area. While you’re working with Service Allies to run ads in your service area, we won’t run ads for any competing contractors in the same market.

Schedule a call with Service Allies today. Just click "Schedule a Call"

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do you charge?

You will have two separate costs. The first cost is ad spend, which Facebook will bill you directly for. I typically recommend a monthly budget of $1000 - $2000 to start. Since the average lead cost is $50 in ad spend per lead, this should get you roughly between 20-40 leads monthly. If you need more or less, we can adjust advertising spend as you need. The second cost is our agency fees, which are only available on a live demo call.

Are these leads good quality?

In the vast majority of cases, yes. To a large extent, however, the amount of leads you book will depend on the amount of effort you put into following up with them.

How long does it take to start working?

When a new client signs up, we start with an onboarding call, and launch 7 days later. Over the past 5 years I’ve run this lead generation program, I’ve never seen it take longer than 2-3 days after launch to start getting leads.

How many people are you working with in my market?

We only serve one contractor in a local market. Even if you are part of a large metro area, we’ll single out an exclusive zone just for you. We still have a relatively small client base at the time of writing, so there is a good chance your market is still available. However, the sooner you reach out the better.

How many contractors are going to get the leads?

Just you. Facebook ads will be shown under your business name, and all the generated leads will be exclusively yours.

What if I'm not on Facebook or don't have a business page?

No problem. It's fairly simple to set up a Facebook business page, so we can do this for you at no extra charge. Also, don't worry if your current Facebook page doesn't have many likes. It doesn't seem to affect the volume or quality of leads at all.

How do you get the leads?

We get leads by running ads on Facebook. Ads are like Facebook posts, except you pay Facebook to show your ad to a specific local area and demographic. If you currently don’t use Facebook, or don’t have a Facebook page, that is no problem. We’ll set up a page on your behalf to run ads from.